trailer for a dance play by Misiconi

trailer for Touki Delphine

video music for the band Labasheeda

teaser for the youth theater group DEGASTEN

trailer for de russen!, Toneelgroep Amsterdam (subtitled)

trailer for Via Berlin

trailer for Orkater, De Familie Mansøn

trailer for YoungGangsters/DOX

trailer for Karina Holla

trailer made for The Nineties

Mix #1

Mix #2

Mix #3

Mix #4

Mix #5:

Mix #6:

The 14 Andromeda b exoplanet needs our support. Let's gather, build up the energy and vitalize this unique planet together. A pure electro beat dance trip video music in cartoon style. Feel the energy and share the beat!

Film + editing: Sergio Gridelli
Choreography + dance: Andrea Beugger
Music componer: Jello Greg


Bobby Baxter lives in a small, ordinary town with five other people. When two visitors intrude on the peace and quiet of the town it unleashes within Bobby an archetypical evil after which no one is safe.

Concept and directions: Sergio Gridelli, Thomas Dudkiewicz
Actor: Thomas Dudkiewicz
Producer: Studio Biarritz

Supported by: Filmfonds

Little Movement is a short dance movie that portrays six people affected by the Huntington disease - in a dreamy space where time does not apply. Intimate choreography celebrates their lust for life, positive energy and resilience, within their vulnerable and fragile lives.

Concept: Maaike van de Westeringh, Sergio Gridelli
Choreography: Maaike van de Westeringh

Supported by: Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Amarte fonds, Amstelring, Vaillant fonds, Vereniging van Huntington, voor de kunst.

Screenings: Cinedans FEST Amsterdam 2024.


A duet between two dancers who can’t touch each other because of the present corona rules in our society. Who leads and who must follow? How far do they dare to go?

Directions: Andrea Beugger, Sergio Gridelli
Choreography and dance: Andrea Beugger, Dries van der Post

Supported by: Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst.

Broadcasted on Dutch regional TV station NH Media, 2020.
Screenings: Moving Body Varna 2020 | InShadow Lissabon 2020 | Cinedans FEST Amsterdam 2021.


Henk leads an idiosyncratic and eccentric life. When a young woman unexpectedly enters into his world, he is forced to face the confrontation.
Concept: Andreas Denk, Sergio Gridelli
Choreography and dance: Andreas Denk, Josephine van Rheenen
Musical score: Guy Corneille

Screenings: Première Cinedans 2019 Amsterdam | Roma Independent Prisma Awards (Official selection 2019) | LA DANZA IN 1 MINUTO 2019 Torino (Winner category Beyond One Minute)| Portland Dance Film Fest 2019 | Choreoscope Barcelona 2019 | Festival de Videodansa de Palma 2019 | Sans Souci Festival of Dance 2019 (Official mention) | Dancescreen 2019 Wuppertal | Kurzfilmfestival Kufstein 2019 | Short Waves Film Festival Poznań 2020 | Moovy Tanzfilmfesival Köln 2020 | ISSF Zubroffka 2020 | Kino Tańca Online 2023 Warszawa.


A short documentary about draftsman and painter Rupert van der Linden (1930). A conversation with an artist who is still at work and active.

Broadcasted on Dutch regional TV station AT5/NH, 2018.


The Boat is a one minute dance film made together with Flemish choreographer Zoë Demoustier.
A short reflection about flee and looking for a safe place.
About the one's that did not make it.

Screenings: Cinedans 2017 Amsterdam | 60secondsdance festival 2017 (runner-up prize Norway) | Kortreist dance festival Norway 2017 | International ScreendanceFestival of Chile FIVC 2017 | POOL 17 - INTERNATIONALES TanzFilmFestival Berlin | InShadow Festival 2017 Lissabon | Athens Video Dance Project 2018 Athene | Moovy festival 2018 Köln | Lago Film Festival 2018.


YODOK III, a free jazz/avant-garde band commit me to make a video music. They gave me a track and the artistic freedom to develop a concept. I choose to illustrate the song with people passing-by in a city environment seen from a fixed camera position: unknown people as unaware actors crossing the frame, we look at them for the first and probably last time. A sequence of different shots tuned on the rhythm of the music with the addition of dansers as an extra layer that creates a kind of visual disturbing element.


Imagine standing still in a crowded street and observing the busy people passing by. Six dancers take up the challenge and mingle with the passers-by, each in their own style, seeking contact - or trying to avoid it.
Concept and direction: Sergio Gridelli
Choreography in collaboration with the dancers: Andrea Beugger
Dancers: Andreas Denk, Andrea Beugger, Nicole Geertruida, Kim Hoogterp, Liam McCall, Robert Thomas Villedieu
Musical scores: Fred Avril, Jesse Koolhaas

Screenings: Cinedans 2015 Amsterdam | ARTWEST 2015 Amsterdam | InShadow festival 2015 Lisbon | Sinema Dans Ankara Festival 2015 | Athens Video Dance Project 2016 Athens | Amsterdam 24H West 2016.

trailer     film  

A short dance film about the impulsive search of a woman for the horizon is no longer visible in the city. Does the horizon actually exist, or does it no longer belong to city life?
Concept & direction: Katharina Conradi, Sergio Gridelli
Choreography: Katharina Conradi
Camera, editing: Sergio Gridelli
Dancer: Marieke Dermul
Musical scores: Dirk Serries

Supported by: Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Provincie West-Vlaanderen

Screenings: Kinepolis Bruges en Kortrijk 2013 | Shakalaka Bruges 2014 | Cinedans 2014 Amsterdam| World Urban Forum 2014 Medelin | Metro Movies Festival Amsterdam 2014 | Broadcasted on AT5 (Dutch local TV station) | 24 uur Cultuur 2014 Rotterdam | InShadow Festival 2014 Lisbon | BIEFF Festival 2014 Boekarest | Athens Video Dance Project 2015 Athens.

facebook page     trailer     film  

An Art project about empty spaces in Amsterdam. This project, from april 2010 till april 2011, was online and show up in Amsterdam as a travelling exhibitions. The project is closed but you still view the final report as a iIn dutch) pdf.
Concept and photography: Sergio Gridelli
Realized together with Nienke Roijakkers and Daniëlle de Boo

Supported by: Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
Stichting DOEN
SNS Reaal


A short movie as the result of a research about photographer Eadweard Muybridge and his analysis of te human motion.
Made in collaboration with Marcelo Evelin

Supported by: Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst

KvK nr. 34334609
Btw nr. NL001731266B80
Mob (+31) (0)615323369
YouTube channel

Afslag Eindhoven | Carver | Circus Treurdier | DEGASTEN | House of Nouws | Likeminds | Jan Vos | Maria Goos | Mightysociety | mugmetdegoudentand | Het Nationale Theater | De Nieuw Amsterdam | Oorkaan | Orkater | Rast | Studio 52nd | Toneelgroep Amsterdam | Touki Delphine | Theatergroep Oostpool | Tryater | Urland | Veenfabriek | Via Berlin | Dries Verhoeven | Alex van Warmerdam | Young Gangsters
Dance | Mime
Dadodans | Danstheater AYA | Mimetheatergroep Bambie | Boukje Schweigman | Dansgroep Amsterdam | De Dansers | Andreas Denk - plan d- | Golden Palace | Karina Holla | Misiconi | Het Veemtheater
Droog Brood | Cabaret duo Schudden | Claudia de Breij | Sanne Wallis de Vries | Veldhuis & Kemper
Afrika Museum | Van Gogh Museum | CODA Museum | Science center NEMO
Amsterdam Sinfonietta | Anne La Berge | David Dramm | Holland Baroque | Hologram | Labasheeda | MAZE | Musical Makers | Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam | Silbersee | Sonic Pilots | Strijbos & Van Rijswijk | Tatiana Koleva
Production offices
Alles voor de Kunsten | Bureau TamTam | Theaterzaken Via Rudolphi | Bos Theaterproducties | Frontaal Theaterbureau | Kik Productions
STIP producties